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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Report Cards

You are an excellent example of why we teachers write narrative comments to accompany our grades. Here is a montage of comments made by your middle school teachers over these three years that I think describes you much better than all those “A’s” that show up on your transcript.


You clearly demonstrate an intrinsic desire to learn.  You are respectful.  You meet deadlines.  You ask interesting questions. You are one of the few students who stays after class for follow up questions and clarification. Through your questions and comments it is clear that you are making connections between your knowledge and new concepts.  You are a deep thinker and observant student. 


You have well-developed logical thinking.  What is impressive is that you search for conceptual meanings and not just simple methodologies. It is not enough to know how to do something, you need to know why.


You are quiet and unassuming. You are also serious and attentive. There is a notable intentionality in your personality.


You are an independent learner and have shown strong growth in ensemble playing. You might not think of yourself as a musician but you are a good music student who appears to be a deep thinker as well.


You are a talented athlete with a very quiet personality. In our fitness testing you ran a 6:57 mile time, which is one of the fastest in your class grade.


You are an avid reader and often have a book at school to read when you have some spare time.

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